Sunday, August 24, 2008

Well this past week my precious baby girl started Kindergarten. I did shed a few tears that morning BUT she was excited and that was a great answer to prayer. Jessica said she didnt want to go to school (she is our strong willed child and really knows what she wants) and I was expecting a hard morning BUT God is good. Jessica told us she wasnt going to class unless our neighbor boy Cameron was in her class. WELLLLL that was answered. On meet the teacher day we found out Cameron was in her class. ALSO that she has Jacob's old kindergarten teacher who we really like Ms. Wilson. So it was an easier transition then we thought. Goes to show us that Gods ways are so much better then our ways. No need for me to worry. PTL.

Our precious baby boy Jacob was a little nervous going into 2nd grade but he is our easy going boy. He makes friends very easily and we know that he will do well.

The days have been very quiet in the house. I have enjoyed a few peaceful days and having quiet times with the Lord and "Me" time. The children come home and say they have had a good day. Jessica has been very tired and as my wise Mother has perdicted she has had a few "meltdowns" in the evening. BUT we are learning to give her grace.
Well thats it for know.
Peace and Grace

1 comment:

Anna said...

Welcome to "blog land"! :-) You're off to a good start...