Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey All, Well today Jacob and Jessica were reunited with their best buds.
I will begin the story by telling you that when Jacob was born he became very attached to two TY animals. One was a yellow duck affectionately called "Ducky" and the other a snowman was simply "Snowden." He has had these two best friends since birth so that would make it 7 years now. WELLLLLL just this month we were flying home from Colorado and when we were flying on our second flight Jacob realized that he left "Ducky and Snowden" at the layover airport. WOW he was very upset. I began to cry with him realizing that he has had them since he was born and what memories. I did my best to console him and told him that we would replace them.
The next day we all set out and searched local Hallmark stores and such. WELLLLL no such luck. Grandma, Pop Pop and Aunt Kimberly to the Colorado they were on the hunt. No one slept soundly. They found them on and immediately sent them off. WAY TO GO! Jacob's Heroes. Last week "Ducky" arrived and then Just today "Snowden" came. I put the package on his seat in the car and picked him up from school. He was so excited. He asked everyday when they were going to arrive. I have to say the new ones are so much brighter...didn't realize how worn the old ones were. It was suggested that I rub a little dirt on the new ones and run them over a few times. BUT I believe they will get a lot of loving and will be "dull" in no time. I have to say though....the new ones have new names. Ducky is now "Quackers" and Snowden is now "Snowball." guess times have changed. Just glad he has his snuggle partners back.

Our precious baby boy is reunited with his buddies. Need to put a tracking device on them....hee. What a memory to have.

Today Jessica was reunited with her best friend Farah. She has been her best friend since 3K. They haven't seen each other much this summer and they are in different schools this year for Kindergarten. It was fun to watch them play. Looking forward to a sleepover soon.

What a great day of reunions it was. I am proud of my children for the love they have for each other and others.

God Bless to all.

Jennifer and Family

1 comment:

Beverly Jackson said...

Amen sister! I as well am proud to have such a loving child and that we have been blessed to have such beautiful friendships with your family! I LOVE your blog! It almost made me cry with joy because your love for Jesus shines through and you are a great inspiration to me! Thanks for all the times you have been there for me and please forgive those times I've been "mean". I love you just the way you are! :)