Saturday, August 30, 2008

25 Most interesting things about me....or not

Well I was tagged by Anna to write this blog about 25 things that are interesting about me. Some might not be but I thought it would be fun to share. If you read this then please do it in your blog too. It is fun to learn new and exciting things about each other.

1. I was born in New Jersey but when I was 4 we moved to Colorado Springs, CO where it is still home to me.
2. I have one older sister but in College my parents brought my college roommate, Shelley into our home and she is now my second Sister.
3. I graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Gerontology.
4. In College I became a Certified Scuba Diver.
5. I am addicted to reading other people's Blogs.
6. I grew up in the mountains but I would rather be at the beach then snow skiing in the mountains.
7. I miscarried our first baby before having our beautiful son Jacob.
8. I have had 5 major surgeries in my lifetime.
9. I always wanted to be an oceanographer.
10. Went to high school with christian music artist Nicole Nordeman and she also played the piano at our wedding.
11. Met my husband while he was in the army and I was in college. He did go to Korea the first year we were dating.
12. My favorite food is seafood.
13. I do not like sweet tea or tea at all (I am not a true southern)
14. I am addicted to watching the reality show "Amazing Race."
15. My parents drink coffee a lot BUT I cant stand the stuff.
16. I am a big Diet Coke fan.
17. I love to go to the movies.
18. This summer I tried to Rock Climb (tried is the main word.)
19. I do enjoying hiking and biking when I have the time.
20. We have 1 dog, 1 guinea pig and 2 fish.
21. Wanted to be a military wife and travel but now thankful we are not.
22. I always wanted a boy first and then a girl. GOD gave that to us.
23. I work at Edwards. Rd. Baptist Church in the Mother's Day Out program taking care of babies.
24. Every 2 months I drive up to Asheville, NC (1 hour away) to get my hair cut and colored. I do love my cousin Connie as she does a great job (she owns a salon up there).
25. My brother in law Steve is in Iraq for a year. Please pray for his safety and as my sister and family have moved back to Colorado.

WOW that's a lot. It really made me think a lot. I don't see my self as very interesting. BUT here are a few tidbits.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Enjoyed reading your list!