Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saying YES to God....

Last night I went with a friend to a local church for their ladies night out called "Ladies First Choice." Its a great time of dinner, fellowship and hearing God's word.
The speaker was Lysa Terkeurst. I would encourage everyone to check out her blog at lysaterkeurst.blogspot.com
She has been on Oprah and Focus on the Family. Check out the video on her blog from Oprah and her story. Its amazing. On the right of her blog (blog archive) click on July 2007. The entry and video from Oprah is posted on July 2, 2007.
She spoke about Saying YES To God and she refreshed my spirit with the scriptures of Jeremiah 29:11 and also James 1:2-4. God pulled her through such a difficult past and not until she was in college at Furman did she give God her heart by saying YES. She then went on to get married and had 3 young girls. She went to an all boys African concert at a church. They were boys from an African orphanage. As she sat their a listened to them sing God's praises, God spoke to her and said "two of those boys are yours." WOWWWWW She and her husband prayed about it and put the process into motion. Her friends at her church discouraged her but then they heard the choir sing and from then God worked amazing things. 14 families adopted boys from that African town and not only the boys but some adopted siblings too. What an amazing story. You really have to see the video to get the whole story.
BUT God spoke to me last night (NO not about adopting) about keeping my heart open and listening to God and even though its rough and not an easy road saying YES to him he can give us such a blessed and happy life, more than anything in this world can.
I left there refreshed and excited to know that God is in control and wants the best for me.

I pray that you will check it out. Lysa is from a small town outside of Charlotte, NC. As she say she is just an ordinary person, living an ordinary life. God does amazing things.

Have a great and Blessed day.


1 comment:

Anna said...

Sounds like you had a great time!