Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Got Gas?

Well I spent 30 mins driving around trying to find a gas station that has gas. Its actually creepy to see so many gas stations empty and the pumps covered with plastic bags. I finally found a station BUT it was so crowded I was afraid there will be some fights OR would run out before it was my turn. Anyone know why South and North Carolina is in a Gas Crisis? I have talked to my family in different States and they don't have any problems finding Gas or the price is still low. UGGGH. Even Florida is cheaper and has Gas.
I was to drive an hour away to visit my Grandmother tomorrow BUT since we are not sure when this Gas crisis will be over I opted to stay at home and reschedule for next week. Praying that it has resolved by then.
Lets pray that we get some gas real soon.....may not be able to get into work or take the children to school.
God is in control......
Jen and Family

1 comment:

Anna said...

We were there last weekend and noticed the gas problem was bad in the upstate. When we got back home to the lowcountry, there was and is not a shortage and gas is cheaper here than there...which since we've moved here it has been about 20 cents higher HERE than in the upstate. Go figure!!!?